
Welcome to BoyScout Template Demo Site

Image4 is relatively new to the template market, though we have been developing custom Joomla! templates for several years. We had a shy start with CloudBase 1.0 for Joomla! 1.5, our very first stock template. Its popularity has exceeded our wildest dreams - over 40,000 downloads. People were - and still are - so excited about this fascinating template that its popularity has not diminished. It felt good to make something great and share it with our community. Then the idea grew bigger and we took it to the next level, releasing nine more free templates in a short time span. These templates are also loved by tens of thousands of people all over the world.  

For BoyScout, the use of the Gantry framework in combination with our Design team’s skills gave birth to our template so far.

Image4 We really do believe that this tremendous template will be used by even more people for their websites. You won’t believe what it can do to your website. There’s no other template that’s so fantastically universal and easy to use.

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Example module

Ut et mauris nisl.
Ulobortis est. Nam volutpat nibh nec felis semper at rhoncus libero hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Maece

Example module

Ut et mauris nisl.
Ulobortis est. Nam volutpat nibh nec felis semper at rhoncus libero hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Maece